A Hilarious Compilation of Naughty & Weird Medieval Art You Can’t Unsee...

Use our code ’TANKMANIA’ to get your exciting bonuses when creating an account! A rabbit stands up on its hind legs and decapitates a man, a knight is defeated by a gigantic snail, a nun plucks penises from a tree. These are just some of the strange images, along with various other messages that were left in the margins of many illustrated manuscripts produced during the Middle Ages. Referred to as marginalia, many of the written doodles are funny and give us a glimpse into the lives of the Medieval people who were carrying out what was probably a very tedious job. 0:00 Introduction 3:15 Homicidal Rabbits 5:46 Snails Behaving Badly 7:21 Get Behind Me 8:36 Bum Notes 9:14 The Bonnacon 10:20 Sex Sells 12:10 And Just Plain Weird 🎶🎶 Music by : Narrated by James Wade Written by Lisa E Rawcliffe Edited by James Wade Thank you for watching.
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