Selected Original - Attlee’s Speech (1950)

Selected Originals (offcuts, selected scenes, out takes, rushes) for story “Labour Party in Conference“ - 50/80. Similar shots to newsreel story. Margate, Kent. C/U Mr Attlee on platform speaking: “ devalue the pound. Well as usual that was roundly condemned by the Opposition. But it has proves to be wise and successful, because in the course of this period, it has in effect, pretty well balanced our foreign payments“. C/U “It’s unpleasant to all of us to have to devote so much of our resources to defence, but we have a clear responsibility to this people and to the world to see that freedom shall not go down for lack of defence (applause), and the government is not afraid of taking unpopular steps where those steps are right and we know we have the support of the great mass of our Party.“ M/S “Our moment is out to deal with the causes of war and this Party and this government has always based itself to the task of seeking to raise the standard of life of the people all the world over so as to t
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