Вся Красота смотрящего в глазах! Читает Демирина. All the beauty of the beholder is in the eyes

poems are read by the author Demirina. All the beauty of the beholder is in the eyes, But what is she without a quivering Heart, In which the breath learns the “scherzo“, Not forgetting in vain on the basics! And who will believe me that the night is tender, Who will refute the gentle tale About the fact that Joy wakes your eyes, And prose “before“ and “after“ is not needed?! How unblemished is the color of the white sheet, When there are no letters or lines on it, Not the smallest measured point, Where the light from the windows is bright and pure! And we acquire purity in the Heart, And we delight with the sight of beauty, Contributing to the Divine honeycomb, Lifting the heights of the Spirit! стихи читает автор Демирина. Вся Красота смотрящего в глазах, Но что она без трепетного Сердца, В котором вдох разуч
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