Population has to be brought down to 1 Billion [Club of Rome: Dennis Meadows]

we have all these different Climate Change related agendas that are running from the World Economic Forum, The Club of Rome, Extinction Rebellion, Bill Gates and all the other cronies that are involved with this. But what is their final goal? What do they want to do to humanity, where do they want to lead us? So lets get started by this guy here. This is Dennis Meadows. He is an American scientist and Emeritus Professor. He received a BA from Carleton College, a PhD in Management from the MIT Sloan School of Management and he holds four honorary doctorates. Now comes the most important bit, from 1970 to 1972 at MIT he was the director of the Club of Rome Project on the Predicament of Mankind. So he was the one running the computer simulations at MIT which formed the foundation for the Club of Romes predictions and objectives. As we can see here, Dennis Meadows is one of the authors of The Limits to Growth together with his wife Donella Meadows. The Limits to Growth was the book that pushed the Club of Rome into the spotlights and which is the beginning of all the climate movements. So there you have it, this is what this ultimately boils down. The reduction of the population to around 1 billion people, so 7 billion people have to go according to Dennis Meadows. In his view that would be the appropriate number to assure that those who are then still around have a good quality of life with personal freedoms and a plenty of consumption.
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