FAI World Parachuting Championship Mondial | Azure Freefly | Skydiving Routine | Round 2 | Round 5

Rounds of the World Meet In Chicago, 2016. Our Team had one month off work for training right before competition. We did around 20 training jumps per day for the whole month ( which we had never done before ) to try and perfect and finish our rounds. In true Azure style we were still changing things up until the day of competition! We had an awesome comp and placed 5th. Thank you Skydive Chicago! A great place to fun jump, train and have fun! “As soon as the plane takes off you can feel the energy and vibes of seriousness and complete focus. I like to look around at everyone and just try to enjoy that moment before I start visualizing.“ find us on instagram Team: nicholas scalabrino emma merritt brad merritt Who flew what round: Free Routine | Brad and Emma performing - Nic: Camera Round 5 | Brad and Nic performing - Emma camera Round | Brad and Emma Performing - Nic Camera
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