John Coltrane & Stan Getz - Autumn Leaves / What’s New / Moonlight In Vermont.

John Coltrane & Stan Getz - Autumn Leaves / What’s New / Moonlight In Vermont. ..................................................... John Coltrane - Tenor Sax.... Stan Getz - Tenor Sax.... Wynton Kelly - Piano.... Paul Chambers - Bass.... Jimmy Cobb - Drums.... ...................................................... Recorded - March 28 1960 - Dusseldorf, Germany ...................................................... Why search for your favorite music in my channel? Because i’m always trying to name the musicians, place and date of the recordings! ............................................................ Please let me know if i have missed something. ............................................................ Make it easy on yourself.. check my playlists, or search my channel for your favorite artist/song..... ............................................................ Subscribe yourself to the channel to keep up with the latest uploads ..
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