6 Nov! Israel’s Fire Arrows Buried Last Stronghold of Hamas! Hamas is Finally Fleeing From There!

Tension rose towards Gaza. Israeli Fire Arrows unit launched a strong raid. Important Hamas positions and secret documents were seized. The Israeli army began to take action again for the major operation. It was forwarded to the 551st brigade of the Israeli army’s Fire Arrows unit. These special Israeli forces immediately took action to raid the Hamas headquarters located in the direction of Beit Hanoun. As part of the operation, the Hamas headquarters was raided and dozens of terrorists were neutralized at this point. Israeli soldiers found important documents at the headquarters and confiscated them. An attack was launched on a building where terrorists were hiding in the direction of Beit Lahia region. The Israeli army destroyed the tunnel entrance and Hamas buildings. More than 2,500 targets of Hamas terrorists have been hit so far. The Israeli army launched a large-scale retaliatory attack on Hezbollah positions in the northern part of the country.
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