The Magic Wife: A First Ever look into this ancient myth
This is a talk about one of the most popular stories in the world, but one which has the least study around it. And so let me open up the door to folklore and mythical study with an insight into a tale of a supernatural wife.
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📚 References
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Беннингсен А. П. Легенды и сказки Центральной Азии. СПб.: Тип. А. С. Суворина, 1912.
Березкин Ю. Е. Африка, миграции, мифология. Ареалы распространения фольклор-ных мотивов в исторической перспективе. СПб.: Наука, 2013.
Pfenning A., Petersen L. N., Kachambwa P., Lachance J. Evolutionary genetics and admixture
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