How to Pickle Eggs 3 Ways - Golden, Dill, and Red Beet Pickled Eggs

If you haven’t tried a pickled egg, you have missed out on one of the most unexpectedly delicious edibles! Here is my version of the recipe below! (The original of this recipe was found at by Ashley Adamant) GOLDEN EGGS: 10 Hard Boiled Eggs 1 Cup White Vinegar 1 Cup Boiled or Distilled Water (The less chlorine the better) 2 Tbsp Sugar 2 Tbsp Salt 1/2 Cup Onion 4 Garlic Cloves 1 tsp Mustard Seed 1 tsp Celery Seed 1 tsp Ground Turmeric DILL PICKLED EGGS: 10 Hard Boiled Eggs 1 Cup White Vinegar 1 Cup Boiled or Distilled Water (The less chlorine the better) 2 Tbsp Sugar 2 Tbsp Salt 1/2 Cup Onion 4 Garlic Cloves 1 tsp Mustard Seed 1 tsp Celery Seed 1 tsp Coriander seed 1 tsp Dill Seed 3-4 Fresh sprigs of Dill RED BEET-PICKLED EGGS: 10 Hard Boiled Eggs 1 Cup White Vinegar 1 Cup Beet Juice (from your recently boiled beets or canned beets) 2 Tbsp Sugar 2 Tbsp Salt 1/2 Cup Oni
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