’OF COURSE Israel Ethnically Cleansed Palestinians!’ - Israeli Anthropologist Corrects Debra Messing

Jewish Israeli Anthropologist Jeffrey Halper (no relation to Katie) states a fact that is so undeniable, it’s hard to believe that Israel apologists (including Deborah Messing) are denying it: “Israel was founded through ethnic cleansing.“ Even Right Wing Israeli Zionists admit that. They just defend it! “Of course there was ethnic cleansing,“ says Jeff Halper. “How else could you turn it into a Jewish state? With out taking their land & ethnically cleansing them? There’s volumes of works by Zionists spelling out what they were doing.“ Yet somehow it’s acceptable for people like Debra Messing to tweet out infographics stating that Palestinians weren’t ethnically cleansed. To be fair, it doesn’t take a lot of effort when right wing zionist outfits like “Stand With Us,“ and their literal paid guns like Hen Mazzig () spoon feed
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