Static Mirage pngs collide with other things AND BECOME GOD part 2
A logical continuation of the Warframe Enigma. The only thing it took was discovering Wisp’s idle animation stacks with Mirage’s first ability. Also substances.
✦ Video voiceover:
» Nekros: Jimothy Ross ()
» Assorted: Kiyodai ()
» Assorted: Cjweej
✦ Music list:
♩♫ Speed Hating (Vilhelm Hass - ES)
♩♫ Defier (Vilhelm Hass - ES)
♩♫ Skyfall (Edgar Hopp - ES)
♩♫ Ragnarok (Edgar Hopp - ES)
✦ Twitter:
#Warframe #Mirage #Educational