The Journeyman Project: Pegasus Prime OST

A 1997 adventure game by Presto Studios. Composition by Geno Andrews, Jack Harris, and Bob Stewart. 0:00:00 01 - Through the Roof 0:01:04 02 - The Year 2318 0:02:46 03 - Anticipation 0:03:15 04 - Good Morning, Caldoria 0:03:49 05 - 4D Warmup 0:04:01 06 - Phantom Blue Orchestra 0:05:03 07 - Acoustic Clouds 0:05:59 08 - Power Tower Funk 0:06:40 09 - Scrapyard Gearhythms 0:07:19 10 - Industrial Nuage 0:08:31 11 - Elevator Ride 0:09:04 12 - Back to the Grind 0:09:30 13 - Temporal Quartet 0:10:18 14 - Alert St
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