Сирия. ВКС России нанесли несколько авиаударов по позициям Хаят Тахрир аш Шам в провинции Идлиб

Сирия. Syria. War in Syria. The Russian Aerospace Forces inflicted several airstrikes on the positions of Hayat Tahrir al-Sham in the province of Idlib سوريا. الحرب في سوريا. القوات الجوية الروسية تقصف بعدة غارات جوية على مواقع لهيئة تحرير الشام في محافظة إدلب. This footage is not intended to be violent, sensational, or shocking. This video is for new military documentary, historical and educational purposes only. All materials are taken from free sources and will be removed at t
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