why I don’t play TruckersMP anymore

just play convoy mode instead, please. Update: - Comments have been turned off because I am tired of moderating them. There’s been too much toxicity and all sorts of [x]-phobic behaviour. Please respect the TruckersMP staff as they are still people, they have emotions and probably don’t like the fact that there’s so much negativity and hate towards them for simple mistakes. We’re all human and we all do mistakes. This video was NOT made to hurt or insult any of the staff members. The main point of the video was to show that TruckersMP revolves around C-D road ONLY, and said road is NOT a fun experience. Reason? People not being able to drive. (Obviously I know that such volumes of traffic are virutally impossible to fully moderate). I initially didn’t expect the video to have this kind of reach. If I knew beforehand, I’d put more effort into the video, and probably would’ve written an entire script for it. My solutions to the problem:
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