Everyone must die/PIKOTARO(ピコ太郎)

【Concept:コンセプト】 Humans are born, and soon... Beginning with ’Perfect PAPA’, and closing with this tune. This is PIKO 10 PROJECT’s last song. 人は産まれ…そして。 完PAPAで始まりこの曲で締める。 PIKO10PROJECTラストソングです。 【Explanation:説明文】 This is my first time co-starring with the four Kosaka-sans PIKO! It’s my first experience ever to co-star with Kosaka-san, and wow, four of them!? I got bit shy PIKO! Whoopie!! 古坂さん四人と初共演ですピコ!古坂さんとの共演も初なのに、4人なんで照れましたピコ! わーいわーい! 【Lyrics:歌詞】 The sky is blue and clear White clouds move slowly Children run around Adults laugh a lot Is there someone you love?  Is there someone you like? Everyone is born ... dies. Everyone must die Let’s walk hand in hand Let’s look into each other’s eyes Everyone is born ... dies. Everyone must die Everyone must die Everyone must die…die Birds fly in the sky Fish swim in the sea Flowers bloom and cover the mountains When winter comes, they change to snow Where does the wind come from? Surely from your heart Can you hear my voice? Everyone is born
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