Sweden cancels residential permits of 300,000 migrants

Sweden has been suffering from the inundation of immigrants at the hands of its former prime minister Magdalena Andersson. The law-and-order situation in the country has been toppled by the huge migrant flow and the former PM had also accepted her incompetency in dealing with the issue. The Scandinavian country was reduced to a crime site but Anderson kept on blaming the criminals and sat back with folded hands. Data suggests that gang violence has been much more prevalent in the country as compared to the other EU nations. But, the recently concluded elections brought a ray of hope for the country. The immigrants who have rocked the nation with violent riots and crimes are now breathing their last in today’s Sweden. All thanks to the newly elected Prime Minister Ulf Kristersson, who has gone tough against the fluid migration policy of Anderson’s regime. Watch video to know more. For news from other parts of the World, download our app: Join our subreddit:
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