Take a look at the demining the territory of Artyomovsk by engineer units of the Airborne Forces

Take a look at the demining the territory of Artyomovsk by engineer units of the Airborne Forces The engineering and sapper units of the Airborne Forces carry out painstaking work every day to clear the territory of the liberated city of Artyomovsk. Paratroopers metre by metre inspect city streets and buildings for explosive objects, mines and unexploded ordnance. The engineering reconnaissance group, despite the constant fire of the Ukrainian Armed Forces, is moving along the city street, examining its sides with the help of mine detectors and probes. Having discovered an anti-tank mine, the sapper gives a signal to the entire engineering reconnaissance group. Immediately, two servicemen organised cover, and the senior group began to destroy the discovered mine with an overhead charge. Having quickly installed the charge, the servicemen destroyed the mine, which will allow vehicles to move along this road in the future to transport supplies and ammunition. Join Military Wave Источник: Military Wave
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