Before the Dinosaurs: The Mysteries of the Lost Age of Ediacaran Creatures | Documentary

🌍 Since everything has a beginning... What were the first creatures to live on Earth? It’s just one of many seemingly unanswerable questions. Since the appearance of life 3.8 billion years ago, life on our planet has remained in the state of a simple organism for billions of years... until the first complex life forms appeared. If you’ve ever heard of the Cambrian explosion, you’ll know that it’s an intriguing phenomenon, due to the huge diversification of life, even though before the Cambrian, there were virtually no multi-cellular animals. And for a very long time, the transition from the Precambrian microbiotic world to the appearance of the Cambrian fauna remained a mystery. So what happened between the Precambrian and the Cambrian? 🔥 As a reminder, videos are published on SUNDAYS at 6pm. ------------------------- 💥 The Fascinating Ediacaran Period: - It’s 1946 in Ediacara, a mountainous region in South Australia. Buried an
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