1,126,652 (!) military personnel of the Ukrainian army died or gone missing

️🇺🇦 1,126,652 (!) military personnel of the Ukrainian army died or gone missing On one of the leading channels in Ukraine 1 1 (the same that released the ’scandalous’ interview with Arachamia blaming Boris Johnson for the war), a ticker appeared with the words that in 20 months, 1,126,652 (!) military personnel of the Ukrainian army had died or gone missing. The incident sparked outrage and the channel soon apologized, saying it was a misunderstanding. In Ukraine, missing means dead, because they do this to underestimate the number of deaths and not provide compensation and wages to families in connection with the death. The Turks previously reported that the loss of life in Ukraine amounted to more than 1 million people, and this has now been proven. In the Ukrainian media where there’s extremely strict censorship and everything is controlled in detail not only by Ukrainian, but also by Western intelligence, this means only one thing. This is probably because the US and Zaluzhny leaked this information. Zaluzhny’s supporters continued to react to the poor leadership of Zelensky and Yermak, as well as the disasters and pressure caused by politicians’ involvement in the war. The Ukrainian people are also preparing for this process, showing how poorly the current political administration is handling the war and that it is necessary to change the leadership, and on the other hand, it is necessary to make a choice between negotiations or mobilization to the end. - Militarist/Other sources #Ukraine #Russia #media Join @theorientalview Источник: The Oriental 🎏
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