Russian Offensive Over A Thousand Miles Front (1942)

Titles read: “RUSSIAN OFFENSIVE OVER A THOUSAND MILES FRONT“. Russia. Tanks move through the Russian countryside. Map of the USSR shows Leningrad being pointed out. Sequence showing a Russian runner carrying a message with the map reference of a German point of resistance. He brings the message to a Command Post located in an armoured train. The position is traced on the map and the train goes off to a new location. It is joined there by guns that blast the German position. Various shots of Russian ground troops entering the heavily shelled German position in search of prisoners. A group of German soldiers with shaven heads are paraded through the streets of Leningrad past angry crowds. A woman spits at them. Map points out the Rzhev-Vyasma area. Several shots of day and night Soviet gun barrages. Soviet troops advance with tank coverage. C/U of General Zhukov sits at a desk, looking at a map. Various shots of Russian refugees returning to their now lib
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