“Premakes“ The Avengers (1952)

What if... the Avengers movie was created years before the actual comic book? Lost in the annals of time and space, comes this magnificent motion picture of epic proportions. Taking a page from such horror classics as “Frankenstein Meets the Wolfman“ and “House of Frankenstein,“ Timely Atlas Studios (the precursor to Marvel Studios), created the first superhero movie team-up. “The Avengers“ featured an awesome array of characters such as Captain America, Thor, and Iron Man in a larger-than-life battle against evil aliens from the planet Skrull. Face front true believers, this one is for the funny books! Editor’s note: I have always wanted to work with Marvel characters... in any capacity. Maybe I will someday. For now though, enjoy my little tribute to works of Stan Lee, Jack Kirby, Steve Ditko, and the heroes of the Marvel Universe. Oh, here’s a fun thing to do... try and count all the characters and locations that are hidden within this trailer. Did an
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