Barotrauma | The Stealing Guide

Have you ever wondered how to steal items in an outpost without getting caught? Or are you tired of losing reputation whenever you steal an item in an outpost? Well, this guide is going to cover everything you need to know about stealing items from outposts, mining stations, military outposts, research facilities and cities in Barotrauma. 0:00 Introduction Let me introduce you to the ways of stealing. 0:25 How can you steal without getting caught? Explanation of NPC’s line of sight and what blocks their sight/view. 1:08 What if they are in the same room as you? This section covers how to get rid of NPC in a room and how different NPCs like guards, civilians and merchants move in an outpost. 1:51 What happens when you get caught? Ways to know you’ve been caught. Including how guards would react to you when you’ve been caught. 2:17 What to do if you’ve been caught? Methods to get out of a sticky situation, if you do not wish to lose items.
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