Cuando Me Vaya (Spanish Cover) - Ocean Breeze

So this is a Spanish cover of the song Without Me by 4EverfreeBrony, perhaps my favorite song ever. I’ve wanted to do a cover of this song since the very beginning but I wanted to do something different than other people. Well 4EverfreeBrony happened to have written a Spanish version of his song, but has not put out his own actual song of this version. Since there is no Cuando Me Vaya out there I thought this would be the perfect way to make it unique. If he ever puts out his own official version, I’ll be sure to link it here. Many thanks to him for allowing to do this! Song by @4everfreebrony Original English version: Art by ezpups Lyrics: Mi ciudad, este hogar, no me quieren Mi vida aqui, mi felicidad, me traicionan Mis lagrimas, mi corazon, sus mascaras, que ironico Hay una guerra que esta dentro de mi Cuando me vaya, sabran a donde ir Y si me llaman, solo podran fingir No nos veremos, no hablaremos mas Porque todavia tendran la amistad Me pregunte “que opinaran si me fuera?“ “Que me diran y que haran si supieran?“ No importara, sobrevivire, no me cambiaran, no me cambiare Algun lugar tendra un destino para mi (Chorus) Cuando me vaya Y si me llaman No nos veremos Porque todavia
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