Combat work of crews of D-30 howitzers

Combat work of crews of D-30 howitzers In the Kupyansk direction, Ukrainian militants made another attempt to break through the Russian defense line. Our scouts noticed them from the air while approaching the lines. The offensive was stopped with accurate fire from 122 mm guns. The target is enemy manpower. In the video, the artillery works with two fugitives: the first is sighting, the second is right on target. These fortifications have long been known, but Ukrainian forces continue to drive their fighters to pre-targeted positions. This is not the first such attempt by the enemy. The routes and shelters that the militants are trying to take advantage of have long been known to Russian artillery. More than once, stormtrooper squads failed when trying to make their way along a familiar path. And yet, completely unconcerned about the lives of its own people, the Ukrainian command continues to send troops directly under fire. Intelligence also reveals areas of rotation of Ukrainian forces near front-line territory. Russian artillerymen destroy concentrations of enemy manpower and equipment with precise fire. Artillerymen of the West group of forces carry out precise strikes around the clock on military targets, positions, fortifications and manpower of the Armed Forces of Ukraine in the zone of a special military operation. Combat missions are carried out around the clock and in any weather. Crews of the 122-mm D-30 howitzers note that missions arrive regularly. Combat work is most often carried out with 122-mm high-explosive fragmentation shells. The crews also use anti-tank cumulative, smoke, and lighting shells. Targets are identified by drone operators. The high accuracy of the guns allows you to destroy detected enemy equipment and effectively defeat the fortifications of Ukrainian militants. After live firing, the artillerymen immediately change firing positions to spare ones to replenish ammunition and prevent return fire from the enemy. Join Military Wave Источник: Military Wave
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