Philip Glass: Akhnaten - The Window of Appearances

Performance filmed on 23 November 2019 at the Metropolitan Opera in New York Anthony Roth Costanzo, Akhnaten J’Nai Bridges, Nefertiti Dísella Lárusdóttir, Queen Tye ACT I – SCENE 3 The Window of Appearances A windowed balcony of the palace used for state appearances. The music from the opening of the coronation scene is heard again, played on large bells and providing a musical and dramatic transition to what follows. Akhnaten is joined by Nefertiti and his mother, Queen Tye. They approach the Window of Appearances and sing (first a solo, then a duo and finally a trio) through the window. It is a hymn of acceptance and resolve and, in spirit, announces a new era. Text sung in Egyptian by Akhnaten, Nefertiti, and Queen Tye (from Budge, The Gods of Egyptians) Tut wu-a yeri enti Wa-a Wa-u yeri wenenet Perer en rem em yertif Kheper Netcheru tep ref Yeri semu se-ankh menmen Khet en ankhu en henmemet Yeri ankh-ti remu en yetru Apdu genekh pet Redi nefu en enti em suhet Se-ankh apnentu yeri ankhti khenus Djedfet puyu mitet yeri Yeri Kherti penu em babasen Se ankh puyu em khet nebet Ye-nedj hrak yeri Enen er a-u AKHNATEN: Oh, one creator of all things Oh, one maker of all existences Men came forth from his two eyes The gods sprang into existence at the utterances of his mouth TYE & AKHNATEN: He maketh the green herbs to make cattle live And the staff of life for the use of man He maketh the fish to live in the rivers, The winged fowl in the sky AKHNATEN & NEFERTITI: He giveth the breath of life to the egg He maketh birds of all kinds to live And likewise the reptiles that creep and fly He causeth the rats to live in their holes TYE, AKHNATEN, NEFERTITI: And the birds that are on every green thing Hail to thee maker of all these things Thou only one.
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