[Christ Ahnsahnghong | AudioBook] Chapter 4 About Angels

Some churches say that angels function as the Holy Spirit. However, there is not a single verse in the 66 books of the Bible which says that angels are the Spirit, or that they function as the Spirit. The Apostle Paul wrote: Heb 1:14 『Are not all angels ministering spirits sent to serve those who will inherit salvation?』 [This video is copyrighted by the World Mission Society Church of God. Unauthorised copying and distribution are prohibited.] 〖World Mission Society Church of God〗 〖WATV Media Cast〗 〖United Kingdom〗 〖US East Coast〗 〖US LA〗 〖US New Jersey〗 〖US New York〗 〖US San Diego〗 〖US Washington DC〗 〖
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