Mall Of America ReWalk Exoskeleton

Walking around Mall of America is always a highlight! It doesn’t take a lot to tell someone that they’re doing an awesome job or to share a word of encouragement; however, that small interaction can easily boost one’s spirits. I get extra drive when people compliment and encourage me as I walk with the exoskeleton. When I am feeling tired and at a loss of energy, I think of the positive words that people have told me and I continue to advance. Hearing the good from people gives me joy! “Very cool! What exactly is this?“ “Woah! Is that like a new piece of technology?“ “Look, mom, it’s ironman!“ “You have a lot of courage.“ “That;s amazing!“ “We’ve come so far with technology.“ “You’re awesome!“ “Is it okay if I take a picture?“ “I was a nurse and to see this is amazing.“ “It kinda looks like megaman.“
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