MSNBC host caught on hot mic over Biden: another fing war

Could it possibly, conceivably be the case that the Biden-worshiping US TV hosts don’t actually mean what they say? Case in point – MSNBC’s Trump-basher and liberal screecher extraordinaire Joy Reid, who was caught on a hot mic during her show on Monday. Reid took a break from a monologue about ‘muh evil Republicans’ to show a clip of Joe Biden mumbling about ‘getting things done.’ Over this clip, Reid can be clearly heard commenting, ‘Starting another f***ing war.’ Once the clip finished, Reid flicked her ‘muh evil Republicans’ switch back on, and immediately launched into a tirade about Trump, for some reason. Reid later apologized for dropping an F bomb, although she didn’t apologize for making light of the real bombs Biden will presumably drop on various countries at some point
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