Всё кругомъ / Everything is around

Зинаида Гиппиусъ - Всё кругомъ ⚜️⚜️⚜️ Zinaida Gippius - Everything is around Terrible, rude, sticky, dirty, Rigidly stupid, always ugly, Slowly tearing, petty dishonest, Slippery, shameful, low, cramped, Clearly pleased, secretly lascivious, Flat-funny and nauseatingly cowardly, Viscous, swampy and muddy stagnant, Life and death equally unworthy, Slave, boorish, purulent, black, Occasionally gray, stubborn in gray, Always recumbent, devilishly stagnant, Stupid, dry, sleepy, malicious, Corpse-cold, pitifully insignificant, Unbearable, false, false! But there is no need for complaints; what is joy in crying? We know, we know, things will be different.
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