Russian sappers continue demining in the liberated territories of the LPR

Russian sappers continue demining in the liberated territories of the LPR Engineering units of the Southern Group of Forces, during a special military operation, continue to clear mines from the liberated territories of the Lugansk People’s Republic. Using modern technical means, specialists conduct engineering reconnaissance of the area, assess the situation, and the demining team begins to clear areas of explosive ordnance. Having discovered the munitions, the sappers stop and give a signal to the unit commander. Depending on the characteristics of the detected ammunition, a decision is made to destroy it on site with an overhead charge, or transport it to a landfill for further detonation. Russian military personnel receive requests to clear mines every day. The Armed Forces of Ukraine regularly shell peaceful territories where there are no military installations, including with cluster munitions. The sapper regiment of the Southern Group of Forces also makes targeted visits at ... Source: Military Wave
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