The rubbled road in Tulkarem, Palestine is the work of IDF combat engineers—they tear up the paved roads when they go into rough

The rubbled road in Tulkarem, Palestine is the work of IDF combat engineers—they tear up the paved roads when they go into rough West Bank areas, ostensibly to neutralize IEDs. ️ To anyone with GWOT experience, this will seem very backwards—the US spent millions *paving* roads for counter-IED purposes, b/c it’s much harder to plant IEDs in paved roads than in gravel roads, let alone rubbled ones. ️ By destroying these paved roads, the IDF is getting rid of one IED crop, but making it easier to plant the next—and harder to detect it. ️ US forces in the most thoroughly AQI-controlled sectors of Iraq in 2005-7—Ramadi, Baquba, Dora, Ameriya—faced insurgents who, like Hamas, had the time and freedom to dig giant IEDs deep into paved urban roads. ️ The US response was not widespread destruction of paved urban roads. Wesley Morgan Source: /CIG/ Telegram | Counter Intelligence Global
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