Welcome Home! (1951)

Full title reads: “Welcome Home!“ Princess Elizabeth and Prince Philip arrive home from Canadian and Washington tour. GV Empress of Scotland tied up alongside docks in Liverpool. CU Name of ship. LV Prince Philip and Princess Elizabeth down gangway. SV Crew waving from ship. SV Elizabeth and Philip with Lord of Derby and Lord Mayor Vere E Cotton. SV Four Mounties on quayside CU Pan two Mounties. SV Lorry load of luggage pan to porters loading lorry. SV Crowd waving. SV E&P waving from Town Hall. GV Elevated Crowd. GV Liverpool Cathedral. SV Choir boy, Geoffrey Bethel presents bouquet. SV Crowd. CU Elizabeth and Philip shaking hands with other dignitaries. LV Elizabeth and Philip with Lord Mayor Vere E Cotton shaking hands with other dignitaries pan up Tower, LV E& P seated on dais listening to bells. SV Top of Cathedral Tower. GV Crowd surges forward LV Royal procession driving down lime Street to station. GV Crowd surging LV Royal couple alight at station and are greeted. CU Royals say goodbye to Mayor
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