Aren’t men dominant? Boy NOW VS Man THEN | Little DARK AGE | #littledarkage

Male dominance throughout history has been a pervasive and widespread phenomenon, with men holding positions of power and influence in nearly every society and culture around the world. The roots of male dominance can be traced back to the earliest human societies, where men were often the primary hunters, warriors, and leaders. In ancient civilizations such as Greece and Rome, men held positions of power and authority in government, the military, and religious institutions. Women, on the other hand, were largely relegated to domestic roles and had limited rights and freedoms. This trend continued through the medieval period, where men held the vast majority of political and economic power, and women were often treated as property or second-class citizens. During the Age of Exploration and the colonial period, male dominance was further reinforced as European powers spread their influence around the world. European colonizers often imposed their own cultural and social norms on the peoples they
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