Mongols: Expedition of Subutai and Jebe - Battle of Kalka 1223 DOCUMENTARY
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While the invasion of the Khwarezmian Empire was going on, Genghis Khan sent his best generals Subutai and Jebe to chase down the Shah of Khwarezm Muhammad II. Their raid into modern-day Iran, Azerbaijan, Georgia, and Armenia was lucrative, as they razed and plundered many cities, but they didn’t stop there and moved into the modern Russia and Ukraine, where they fought a loose alliance of the Rus princedoms and the Kipchaks (Cuman/Pecheneg/Polovtsi) in the famous battle of Kalka in 1233. This episode also describes the dynastic situation in the Mongol empire after the death of Genghis Khan.
Previous episodes:
Rise of the Empire - Battle of Yehuling -
Fall of Khwarezm - Battles of Parwan and Indus -
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We are grateful to our patrons, who made this video possible: Fahad Al Mandil, Matthew Levy, Rene Malmgren, Ferran MacDonald, Ibrahim Rahman, Koopinator, Daisho, Łukasz Maliszewski, William Fluit, Juan Camilo Rodriguez, Murray Dubs, Félix Gagné-Dion, Fahri Dashwali, Kyle Hooton, Dan Mullen, Mohamed Thair, Pablo Aparicio Martínez, Iulian Margeloiu, Chet, Nick Nasad, Jeyares, Amir Eppel, Thomas Bloch, Uri Sternfeld, Georgi Kirilov, Mohammad Mian, Brian Crane, Muramasa, Gerald Tnay, Hassan Ali, Richie Thierry, David O’Hare, Christopher Commins, Chris Glantzis, William Pugh, Stefan Dt, indy, Bashir Hammour, Mario Nickel, R.G. Ferrick, Moritz Pohlmann, Russell Breckenridge, Jared R. Parker, Kassem Omar Kassem, AmericanPatriot, Robert Arnaud, Christopher Issariotis, John Wang, Joakim Airas, Nathanial Eriksen, Joakim Airas, Chuan Kit Kee, John Padalis, Raphaël Dordeins, Donovan Moore, Howie Truong, Chuan Kit Kee, Håvard Siegel Haukeberg, ccplz, Tepes Obrejac, Jon, Emil Johansson, Patrick Riordan, Marc Kuiper, Qamil Lita, Jack Roelofs, Fernando Henrique, iMattyz, Rbj, Frat, The Noob Game Developer, Jacob Filmer, Travis Tiffany, Andreas Ekström, Zachary Marhal, Tomás Cortés Benjumea, Mensur Hamzic, Maxwell Gaughran, Kristofer Eriksson, Dave Ormsby, Aaron Snakenberg, Razen Alsuwaihel, Scott Buster, Erik W Thurnher, Tim Taylor, Umar Farooq, Shaduf, Thijs van den Brink, Jeff Sweetin, Elias Macias, Mark Daly, Michael Martin, Seth Pikaart, Belisarius Imperator, Sandeep Murthy, Zadik, Dustin Walker, James Ellis, Blaz Pongracic, Tommy Xyooj, Tommy Xyooj, Udayan Karmarkar, Scott, Guillaume David, Deepak Dwarakanath and Nikhil Shah.
This video was narrated by our good friend Officially Devin. Check out his channel for some kick-ass Let’s Plays. &
The Machinimas for this video are created by one more friend – Malay Archer. Check out his channel, he has some of the best Total War machinimas ever created:
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Inspired by: BazBattles, Invicta (THFE), Epic History TV, Historia Civilis and Time Commanders
Machinimas made on the Total War Attila, using Machinimas made on the Total War: Attila engine using the great Medieval Kingdoms mod.
Production Music courtesy of Epidemic Sound:
Songs used:
Kevin MacLeod - All this Scoring Action
Crusader Kings 2 OST - Cataraman Mirage
Johannes Bornlof - Barbarians
Civilization 5 OST - Mongols War Theme
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