Life of Homelessness in Vancouver Canada | East Hastings Street, the 5-Block Stretch

Explore Vancouver Canada’s Worst Corners as “Hell on Earth“ portrayed by the Conservative Leader PP. E Hastings 5 block stretch is from Dunlevy Ave to Abbott St, where the most homeless people hang out in 24/ is unofficially considered as an invisible perimeter, so the City’s has the better controlling and enforcing. This strip is part of Vancouver’s Downtown Eastside and Chinatown. The DTES is the site of a complex set of social issues, including disproportionately high levels of drug use, homelessness, poverty, crime, mental illness and sex work, and the area began a rapid decline due to several factors, including an influx of hard drugs, an epidemic of HIV infection and drug overdoses. DTES led to the declaration of a public health emergency with critical issues include opioid overdoses, especially those involving the drug fentanyl; decrepit and squalid housing; a shortage of low-cost rental housing; and mental illness, which often co-occurs with addiction.
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