“PREPARE! The Silver Trade Is About to Get COMPLETELY INSANE“ - Andy Schectman

Silver, often described as the poor man’s gold but known to massively outperform the yellow metal during bull markets, is on the brink of another massive outperformance, according to renowned financial experts and metals analysts from Michael Oliver to Mike Maloney and Andy Schectman. Additionally, technical analysis reveals a massive cup and handle formation, spanning over 44 years since 1980, signaling that the cheaper metal may just be about to take the entire financial market by surprise. Analysts are calling this massive formation the grandaddy of cup and handle formations, as it easily dwarfs any other pattern they’ve noticed in recent history. However, the expected meteoric rise in silver’s price stems from more than just technical analysis. According to renowned metals experts and bullion dealers like Andy Schectman, the President of Minnesota-based Miles Franklin Precious Metals, this is the perfect setup for silver prices to experience the breakthrough stackers have been looking forward to fo
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