Grow your shoulders with this exercise

Repost via @drjohnrusin The most COMPLETE shoulder exercise you’re NOT doing that will humble the hell out of you with little to NO weight, the 6-Way Shoulder Raise… Here’s how it works (and the 6 name sake moves): 1️⃣Lateral Raise Up To 90-Degrees 2️⃣Keeping DB’s Up Bring In Front of Shoulders 3️⃣Raise Both DB’s Up Overhead 4️⃣Lower Both DB’s Back Down 5️⃣Bring Dumbbells Back To Side Staying at 90-Degrees 6️⃣Lower Lateral Raise Back Down *That is ONE rep of 6-Way Shoulder Raises ✅Using just your arms OR dumbbells of 5 or 10 pounds per hand, complete 10-15 reps in each direction OR go until you hit form failure and aren’t able to complete another quality rep. ✅Mulitple sets of the 6-Way Shoulder Raise is a tremendous way to finish off any type of upper body workout, lighting a fire over every aspect of the shoulders and a massive pump. ✅When programmed as the last exercise in
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