[Featured Summon] Johan, Arbiter of Justice

Growing up in the slums, the boy learned how not to be looked down on before he learned how to make friends. Any thought or hesitation was a luxury as starvation trumped everything. In a world where taking what is not yours was the norm, he struggled to keep his share to survive at all costs. Every day was too long for the boy—he had no choice but to take the hand the mage held out to him even though the instinct that had been honed over the years warned him of danger. And just like that, he was on his way to the Empire. It wasn’t easy for him to adjust to his new surroundings, but it wasn’t a problem at all. He would do anything for a hot meal and a steady place to sleep. The purposeless anger and pain that he had no one to share with fueled his determination. His talent blossomed, and his dreams strengthened his will. He was determined to become a knight of the empire for a world where no one else had to suffer as he did. However, no one could have foreseen that all of this was destine
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