Scales 2: How to Avoid “Thumb Under” - Synchronization of Shoulders-Arms-Hands
► If you have any doubts, please, see more clarification BELOW THE INDEX. I also quote two most useful comments.
::::::::: ▼::::::: INDEX ::::::: ▼:::::::::
● How Does It Work? - 0:13
- Don’t articulate excessively - 0:34
- Don’t play a strict legato - 0:51
- How to avoid the “Thumb Under”? - 1:10
- Lifting the elbow - 2:10
- Your thumb must be active - 2:54
● How to Practice? - 3:08
- Synchronization of vertical and horizontal
movements - 3:29
- Imagine that you open the zipper - 4:17 / 4:47
● Exercises - 5:16
► I can help you to solve any pianistic or musical problem.
► You must be aware that the expression “avoid thumb under” does not mean that the thumb should be still or stiff and never cross the other fingers. It means that, when playing scales or runs, the thumb should gradually approach its next position and the point is that you MUST NOT PLAY LEGATO between the thumb
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