ColdFlash - Animals (Sentinel AU)

*** If anyone wants to share this fanvid to other sites, please attach the following info. *** A coldflash slash fanvid made by 夏九言. She had given me the permission to unload this for her! Warning: Rating Mature. Detailed warning please go to (), do read before you watch this fanvid. Song info: Maroon 5 - Animals Pairing: Barry Allen/Leonard Snart, ColdFlash 夏九言’s note: To celebrate the upcoming Spring Festival (Chinese New Year)! Thank 缭乱阁 for the image! I wish all of you a happy new year! Heads up: this is a Sentinel AU fanvid. Rough Storyline: After an accident Barry became a guide. Len, a sentinel who was secretly obsessed with him, found out and determined to bond with him. Barry ran into Len in one of his crime scenes and was hit by his cold gun. Len decided to lay low for the time being and went underground after that. Barry learned that Len had been stalking him by chance and recognized him when the other man approac
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