Get. Lucky. | HiroAki

Watch it in HD PLEASE!!! -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Let’s all give a round of applause for my rediscovery of this pairing. So weird, so bromance, so perverted, and so unbelievably cute!!! Also, there are NOT enough people who ship these two. Seriously, people need to climb aboard the HiroomixAkhito ship. Well, I recently watched the OVA and decided it was time to make a video of these two…slowly but surely my channel is containing more yaoi xD I tried to do something meaningful and put some feel into it rather than make everything super gay and colorful. Not sure how I feel about this kind of thing yet, but I’m working at it one OTP at a time Oh, and thank you to all my new subscribers. In a month I managed to gain 100…pretty confused on how it happened, but it happened none the less! And I FINALLY got moved into my apartment with my friends and it’s like a slumber party that never ends…but
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