TF2: Attack of the Ambassador Spies 2

It’s been a while. We’ve got some videos for you guys. :) Might be rusty at making these things. Will try to keep it fun and light. Raids are resuming! Discord: Steam Group: Music: I’ve wanted to use this song for a long time. It’s a coincidence that it fits with the circumstances. :P To answer the “why did you decide to stop uploading“ question, it’s for a collection of reasons, some of which I don’t want to disclose, some of which had more impact than others, either to me or to Ray. If anything, I can say with certainty that the bot situation slowed me down immensely. So I’m very happy that casual servers are playable again. But to be fair, whatever you think is the reason we stopped uploading is probably partially right. You could say it’s “life“. I’d disagree, but it’s an okay answer. Hope that’s good enough for those curious. Now, it’s time to enjoy some Scream Fortress.
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