5 Amazing pipe cleaners crafts | Complete and friendly Tutorial for Beginners

Hello everyone, today I’m going to share 5 amazing pipe cleaners crafts. This is a complete and friendly tutorial video suitable for beginners to watch. Please find out the materials needed at below listing. No.1 Pipe cleaners Campsis Grandiflora 00:00 Materials : ✨27½pcs red color pipe cleaners ✨18pcs green color pipe cleaners ✨5pcs flower stamen ✨1pc flower stem stick ✨Flower wrapping tape No.2 Pipe Cleaners Chrysanthemum 10:40 Materials : ✨21pcs yellow color pipe cleaners ✨12pcs green color pipe cleaners ✨1pc flower stem stick ✨Flower wrapping tape ✨Eye shadow palette No.3... Pipe Cleaners Peony 21:08 Material : ✨40½pcs red pipe cleaners ✨35pcs green pipe cleaners ✨15pcs Artificial flower stamens ✨1pc Flower stem stick ✨QQ Tread No.4 Pipe cleaners Tangerine 35:46 Materials : ✨18pcs orange color pipe cleaners ✨9pcs green color pipe cleaners ✨1pc 40cm flower stem stick ✨ Flower wrapping tape No.5 Pipe cleaners Wintergreen 41:24 Materials : TYPE 1 (1stick) ✨9pcs Red color pipe cleaners ✨1pc 40cm flower stem stick ✨ Brown color flower wrapping tape TYPE 2 (1stick) ✨17pcs Red color pipe cleaners ✨8pcs green color pipe cleaners ✨1pc brown color pipe cleaners ✨1pc 40cm flower stem stick ✨ Brown color flower wrapping tape If you like this video, Please do SUBSCRIBE our channel , turn on the notification🔔, hit the like 👍button and share our videos💞. A big hug for you 🙆🙆and thanks for watching🙇. ----------------------------------------------------------------------- Stay tuned in our YouTube Channel , facebook book page The following link are the videos playlist shared by this channel, feel free to watch and your comments are valuable to me ❤🤗 👉DIY LAMPSHADE | 自制灯罩 👉SIMULATION CREAM GLUE CRAFT | 奶油胶手工 👉EPOXY RESIN ART | 滴胶手工 👉UN-BOXING SERIES | 开箱系列 👉CEMENT CRAFT | 水泥制作品 👉WASTED MATERIAL CRAFT IDEAS | 废物利用手工 👉JUTE ROPE / HEMP ROPE CRAFTS | 麻绳手工 👉DIY CARDBOARD BOXES | 纸箱废物利用 👉POPSICLE STICKS CRAFT | 冰淇凌棒手工 👉CHENILLE STICK CRAFTS | 扭扭棒手工 👉PAPER CRAFTS | 手工折纸 👉SHRINK PLASTIC CRAFT | 热缩片手工 #amazingpipecleanerscrafts #completeandfriendlytutorial #forbeginners #suitableforbeginners #pipecleanerscampsisgrandiflora #pipecleanerscrysanthenum #pipecleanerspeony #pipecleanerstangerine #pipecleanerswintergreen
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