Catastrophe - The British Sink Their Own Flagship

In 1893, the British Empire extended throughout the world, and it enacted its authority through the mightiest Navy in human history. HMS Victoria was the most powerful battleship of the time, and the British flagship was meant to attest to the world the maritime supremacy of the Royal Navy. Unfortunately, the ship became the greatest blunder in British naval history and a cause of abysmal humiliation for the British Empire. A foolish miscalculation during a demonstration in Tripoli, Syria, caused HMS Victoria to be violently rammed by another battleship. The enormously expensive HMS Victoria was damaged beyond repair, and it quickly began to sink. The scene became utter chaos, as the many other battleships performing on the show had to swiftly stop before they too would crash into each other. Some of them came less than one hundred feet from the ships that collided.
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