CRIMEA. One day of CRIMEAN TATARS. How MILK is SEPARATED in the village?
Life in Crimea. Crimean people. Crimean village. How to live in Crimea? How to live in Crimean village? Who are Crimean Tatars? How milk is separated in the village?
We are interested in learning how our ancestors lived, to study their traditions and to master ancient crafts and meals.
We travel to different regions of Russia and show you how people live in Russian remote villages. Real Village, not embellished real life as it is. We will show you the usual village life and cuisine of different nations.
We are the Ulengovs - Tatiana and Maxim. Welcome to our channel!
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2 months ago 00:25:31 4
Одесский троллейбус - Белорусы БКМ 321 в городе. Белкоммунмаш. большое ОБНОВЛЕНИЕ транспорта.
2 months ago 01:05:49 1
Аксу - цена мечты
4 months ago 00:30:20 1
Ялта историческая. Как история города стала любимым делом и успешным бизнес-проектом!