Motown Playlist Greatest Hits | Best Motown Songs Ever | Gladys Knight, Dionne Warwick, Four Tops

Motown Playlist Greatest Hits | Best Motown Songs Ever | Gladys Knight, Dionne Warwick, Four Tops Motown Playlist Greatest Hits | Best Motown Songs Ever | Gladys Knight, Dionne Warwick, Four Tops Motown Playlist Greatest Hits | Best Motown Songs Ever | Gladys Knight, Dionne Warwick, Four Tops ------------★★ ★★------------- ● Thank you for watching my video ● Share this song with your friends: ● Subscribe to the channel here: #MotownSoulMusicBox #motowngreatesthits #motownsongsofalltime ------------ ★★ ★★ ------------- ------------ ★★ ★★ ------------- ✔ Photos and music in their possession ✔ This video is completely made by fans. If you (the owner) want to delete this video, please contact us directly before doing anything. We will remove it carefully. ✔ My channel content is for promotion, fan service, not for mon
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