SOME LIKE IT HOT: Secrets, Scandals, and Marilyn’s Mystique

The American Film Institute called Some Like it Hot the greatest film comedy ever made. It’s a tale of two musicians on the run from the mob, hiding out in an all-girl band ... and when it first hit theaters, audiences weren’t ready. Coming at the tail end of the conservative 1950s, the movie made a mockery of uptight American attitudes about sex. But even more shocking than the movie’s premise were the backstage feuds, secret affairs, and a blonde bombshell with a more sophisticated strategy than anyone expected. This is the story of Some Like it Hot -- the comedy that nearly everyone said could never be made, and that helped bring the most powerful men in Hollywood to their knees. Bonus videos on Patreon: Sign up for my weekly newsletter at Check out my book: And connect with me here:
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