Animated Lightning in Blender (Tutorial)

In this video, @Martin Klekner shows how to create a 3D lightning using a simple Grease Pencil workflow and how to composite it into your scenes. Learn how to make the waves in our course. ⇨ Master 3D Environments course: ⇨ Project Files & Blender Shortcut PDF (email required): ⇨ Blender Secrets E-book (affiliate): LINKS ⇨ Free Introduction to Compositing: ⇨ SlowMo Guys Lightning video by Joey Carlino: ⇨ Lightning tutorial using Geometry Nodes: CHAPTERS 00:00 - Intro 00:10 - Getting reference 01:54 - Drawing the lightning with Grease Pencil 05:47 - Animating the lightning 07:00 - Adding Thickness and Opacity modifier 09:13 - Rendering out layers 11:29 - Making the Lightning visible & Grease Pencil effects 12:48 - Compositing 14:40 - Driving exposure and Drivers 15:45 - Adding Glow with Ellipse mask 17:30 - Gradual
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