Liszt: Liebestraum no. 3. (Morten Gunnar Larsen & Bohém Ragtime JB)

The famous Liszt evergreen played by the great Norwegian ragtime pianist as it’s written and, after a little modulation, by the Hungarian Bohém Ragtime Jazz Band performs a swing era big band style re-arrangement. Recorded at the 20th International Bohém Ragtime & Jazz Festival in Kecskemét, Hungary, March 26, 2011. Personnel: Tamás Ittzés - vl, ld, Miklós Lázár - vl, József Lebanov - tp, Zoltán Mátrai - cl, as, ts, Attila Korb - tb, György Mátrai - g, József Török - sb, Alfréd Falusi - dr The 2011 Bohém
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