Redwall | Episode 29: Escape From Marshank | Full Episode

Episode 29 - Escape From Marshank As Clogg’s attack on Badrang continues, Martin and his friends emerge onto the beach and meet Rose – Martin instantly falls in love with her, and she begins to fall for him. Badrang leads his fighters to Clogg’s ship and burns it. Martin tries to calm Felldoh who plans to immediately rescue his father – saying they must journey to Noonvale and seek reinforcements. It is becoming clear to all, especially to Rose, that Martin is a born leader. They steal one of Clogg’s longboats and begin the dangerous journey to Noonvale. While out at sea they decide to land a long way down the shoreline. In Marshank the slaves steal weapons in preparation for their revolt – but Druwp is watching them. Outside, Clogg spares Badrang’s fox SKALRAG, using him to secretly open the gates. Martin and his friends creep up the coast but are attacked by a huge fish which destroys the boat, leaving them clinging to wreckage as a storm grows. As the sea is churned to foam and they are batte
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